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What this years “International Womens’ Day theme #InspireInclusion means to me

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I am the proud owner of Change Grow Succeed which is a training and coaching consultancy practise. Essentially, I help my clients find focus and clarity enabling them to perform and get results in the areas of their life that they value. However, my passion, is to help women recognise, articulate and act on their greatest strengths.

This IWD, we are invited to #InspireInclusion. When we inspire others to understand and value inclusion, we forge a better world.

When we truly #inspireinclusion at work, we create an environment where all employees feel respected, relevant, and empowered, regardless of their background or gender. This, in turn boosts employee engagement, creativity, collaboration and overall productivity. Therefore, by prioritizing inclusion, workplaces are better positioned to harness the full potential of their diverse workforce.

Diversity and Inclusion in the workplace isn’t just a moral imperative but it makes good business sense. There have been countless studies completed that reveal that increased diversity in our workplace optimises innovation, creativity not to mention financial performance. However, to reap the benefits of a diverse workforce, it’s vital to have an inclusive environment where everyone feels able to participate and achieve their potential. Paying lip service to this concept is not enough.

How do we inspire inclusion? It entails an individual- centric approach and thus, starts with challenging the assumptions we make about people and instead, choose to engage curiosity and empathy with our colleagues to connect and meaningfully understand their needs.When we #inspireinclusion we take personal responsibility for driving meaningful change that has value, not only in the workplace but in our homes and communities as well.

I’m looking forward to partnering with several organisations over the coming month to help them celebrate International Women’s Day. My talks will be themed on humanizing inclusion and challenging attendees to consider the common barriers to inclusion, they will review the role of our most powerful allies (our male colleagues!) in creating an inclusive environment and I will share tangible tips themed around the theme ‘inspire’ that folks can implement straight away.

Inclusion is a necessary pillar for a peaceful, prosperous, and sustainable world. Let’s be role- models to ourselves and for each other, Let’s humanise our workplaces and create environments where everyone feels that they can participate and where everyone feels they belong. We can all be winners.

Laughter…And all that jazz

Earlier this week, I flew to Manchester with some of my Tap-Dancing tribe to see the original show -biz musical “42nd Street”. Booked earlier in the summer, the ladies and I decided to treat ourselves to a day out, catch the matinee show and fly home that evening.

While I was looking forward to day out immensely, as the day approached, I could think of a few reasons not to go; work- related projects, my children’s activities, “Storm Babet” which had been upgrade to an ‘orange’ weather warning, not to mention my own ‘dancing for charity’ event which takes to the stage in less that 2 weeks (and rehearsals for which are dialling up.) However and thankfully, my instinct to prioritise my own self- care proved to be a winning decision and the experience we shared will remain as one of the most memorable and nourishing days of the year thus far- why?

Embracing a new Opportunity – These ladies and I attend a weekly tap-dancing class which we all delight in, however, outside of this class, we don’t spend time together. When one of the girls suggested this trip, a few of us jumped at it. Being open to new experiences often leads to significant personal growth and happiness.

Therapeutic power of laughter – We ached from laughing.  This trip for me validated research I came upon recently stating that “laughter increases the level of antibodies in the body by 20% helping to destroy viruses and tumour cells”[1] . Of course, it’s also a mini work-out (think facial and abdominal muscles), it helps to relieve stress (by decreasing our stress hormone, cortisol and releasing feel good endorphins). Laughter connects us with others and oh! It also burns 1.3 calories per minute!

Social Connection – Mental Health Ireland advocates that connection is one of the 5 ways to wellbeing. They say that “Building stronger, wider social connections can help you to feel happier and more secure, and give a greater sense of purpose.” Sharing this nourishing experience with my fellow tap dancers, fostered a sense of community, belonging, and interpersonal connection, which are crucial for mental and emotional well-being.

Exploring a new city – We had time after brunch to do some exploring around Manchester. It was relaxing not to have an ‘agenda’ per se, so we were able to appreciate this new city, new architecture, quirky interiors (check out the picture of the ‘rainbow toilet below!) and the people in this city! This sense of adventure (in the beautiful autumnal sunny weather) stimulates curiosity which boosts our mood and overall wellbeing.

Reprieve from stress and tension – Taking a break from our daily routine and responsibilities can help reduce stress. The change of scenery and the opportunity to disconnect from work and personal pressures was rejuvenating.

As a coach, I know that taking regular breaks is essential for maintaining our wellbeing & productivity but I know from my many clients that including breaks in our lives can be challenging due to the demands placed upon us (and that we place upon ourselves). Taking a break shouldn’t be a luxury; it’s a necessity for our happiness, productivity, and overall well-being. So, take a step towards a healthier, more balanced life by prioritizing breaks for yourself, invite the fun, creativity and laughter in – your future self will thank you!

Gillian McGrath is a Cork based Life & Business coach. For more information, you can contact her directly on


Summer Sessions with Change Grow Succeed

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At Change Grow Succeed, we know that the laid-back nature of summertime can create a conducive mindset for self- reflection, introspection as well as ‘outside the box’ thinking. This is why we have created our ‘Summer Sessions’ that we are delighted to launch this week!

These bite size learning events are packed with tools & tips to support individuals and teams with their own growth & development as well as providing the opportunity to reset, refocus and recharge!

Why Summertime? Our clients have told us that they choose to visit these bite size events at this specific time of year for 5 main reasons:

  1. Quieter time at the Office:  Attending short training sessions during the summer offers them the opportunity to make the most of their available time (the summer is often characterised by a more flexible schedule and reduced workloads).
  • Quick Skill acquisition: Short courses and webinars are designed to provide focused learning experiences. They are tailored to specific skills or topics (in our case, they are themed on all aspects of leadership & wellbeing) allowing individuals and teams to acquire new skills efficiently, which can be immediately applied in their work or personal lives.
  • Enhance their own performance: We upskill with a view to enhancing our performance and productivity. Learning new skills makes us more efficient in our roles, leading to better results and increased job satisfaction.
  • Build & deepen their professional Network: Our networking capability is a critical career skill and attending a learning event during the summer is a great opportunity to connect with like- minded people. Indeed, building relationships with fellow colleagues can often lead to valuable connections & enhanced collaboration, positively impacting business results and potentially opening doors for the future!
  • Personal Growth & development: Of course, the process of upskilling far exceeds professional growth only. Countless research will tell us that learning new skills & connecting with like- minded people boosts confidence, increases our self- esteem & provide a positive sense of accomplishment.

So, what are you waiting for? Set your team up for success this summer by booking a bite size learning event with Gillian today! Some spaces still available for July & August, September fully booked.

For more information on topics and themes, contact

Leaving my comfort zone to “Put On The Ritz”

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I love to dance. Tap dance specifically. Wednesday evenings are sacred to me for this reason. I often find that no matter what trial or tribulation the day has brought, or even my own energy levels, I will always leave that class feeling psychologically nourished, energised and free. What do I attribute this to? Several factors, namely, movement, music and a terrific atmosphere crafted by a wonderful teacher and a tribe of fellow dance Queens!

On Sunday last, our class took part in an end of season production held in the Cork Opera House. Although we have practised our routine a hundred times, it was hard not to let the nerves kick in. These nerves presented in the form of negative thoughts, for example; “Tap dancing in front of a live audience? You don’t need this in your life Gillian” or “What if I forget my steps?” or “What if I fall?” (“Or am pushed by Deb?” – inside joke.) Prior to going on stage, my heart was pounding and my mouth was dry. When we took our places, I could feel my stomach lurch as the familiar music started to play, and then, just like that, we were off. Each one of us fleeing our comfort zones.

Tony Robbins has famously said that “All growth starts at the end of your comfort zone”. Yesterday, was an opportunity for me to practice what I preach every day and specifically, it served as a reminder of the importance of managing discomfort around comfort zones as a route to empowering us to move beyond them, to grow and to flourish. Here are my main take- aways:

  • Don’t believe everything you think – Thankfully, I was able to call on my inner coach to challenge and disprove some of the thoughts above and replace them with more helpful and supportive narrative such as “What if you don’t forget your steps?”, “What if you don’t fall?”
  • Pay attention to what you’re paying attention to – is it serving or sabotaging you? If you’re attempting to flee your comfort zone and you are focusing on negative self- talk, it will only hold you back and keep you stuck. Seek to reframe e.g. Replace “I can’t do this” with” I’m giving this a go”, or replace, “I always panic” with “this is my body telling me I’m uncomfortable, because I’m about to do something new”. This fosters a more compassionate mindset, one that is open to growth and trialling new behaviours.
  • Lean on your tribe – My fellow dancing queens were an immense source of support, encouragement and fun last night. We were there for each other. This is exactly what we need when pushing through our comfort zones. Don’t hesitate to engage your tribe when trying something new – you won’t regret the accountability or support!
  • Recognise your effort & celebrate success! My dancing queens and I enjoyed a lovely meal and lots of laughs after our performance. A much enjoyed respite after our unique journey together. It got me thinking that life can be a constant ‘strive’ – it’s important to take time out to recognise and celebrate milestones along the way. Do you do that enough?
  • Have fun! We all want to live a life with meaning but ‘meaning’ doesn’t just happen, we create it! Remind yourself of why you’re pushing yourself and what this new venture will give you that you don’t already have. Speak to yourself as you would a good friend or trusted colleague. Remember to back yourself and to ENJOY the experience!

If you want to hear more about how to explore your potential and manage the barriers that can get in your way, click here to listen to my recent podcast on this theme.

Gillian McGrath is a Cork based Life & Business Coach & experienced Facilitator. For more information, you can contact her directly at

Connection & Compassion

My ‘tuppence’ worth of advise for parents/guardians who’s children have returned to school this month

Earlier this month, I was asked to contribute to an article in Cork’s Echo themed around a piece of advise I would offer parents/ guardians who’s children are returning to school. The month of September is always a maelstrom of activity in this house and writing this article served as a gentle reminder to myself to ‘practise what I preach’! I hope you enjoy.

“As a parent of three school- going children, there’s no denying that the return to school transition can bring with it a rollercoaster of emotions and an injection of pace that can at times be overwhelming.

These days are often characterised by a forensic focus on our never-ending ‘to do’ list as we wonder if we have ‘everything sorted’. As if somehow, reassuring ourselves that if our children have all the material items that they need, they will be fine…right?

When we strive for perfection in this regard, we can often loose sight of what is most important at this time – connection with our children and compassion for ourselves.

For a lot of children, returning to school can be an anxious time, particularly for children changing schools or transitioning from primary to secondary school. It can represent a change in identity and status for them. Having a parent/ guardian who has a calm presence is important in enabling them to navigate this transition. This involves taking time out to relax, listen and chat as well as provide reassurance and encouragement. All of this is invaluable to our children.

Of course, it’s very hard to be ‘present’ if we are running from pillar to post. In my coaching practise, I have observed that while many adults are compassionate towards others, they are at a loss when it comes to themselves. It is my belief that the most important relationship we have in our life is the one we have with ourselves, therefore, our route to self- compassion may involve practising kindness by not judging ourselves harshly, aiming to remove the word ‘should’ from our narrative and by backing ourselves.

As with every other September “This too will pass”.”

Gillian McGrath is a Life & Business Coach. For more information, go to

“Ink it, don’t think it” – a beginners guide to journaling

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In these uncertain and “busy” times, how do you know if you’re heading in a direction that’s serving you unless you are taking the time to reflect and re- assess? Try journaling as a route to enabling your self- reflection!

As a coach, my job is to support my clients in navigating and instigating change. Through the coaching process and as we tap into ‘real- time’ passions, values, and priorities, more often than not, a client will realise that the change they ‘thought’ they were after, is not actually in alignment with the direction they wish to go in.

Every day offers us the opportunity to learn more about ourselves and the world we live in. We are all pressed for time, under pressure and striving to move forward and I find the most effective route to process and make sense of what’s going for ourselves and in the world around us is to journal.

“Ink it, don’t think it”. Journaling is a very effective tool to process your thoughts and feelings. It’s supports you in getting clarity on your thoughts and feelings, improves your mental health and your focus. (Who wouldn’t want that?!)

If you’re a ‘first – timer’ or perhaps, haven’t journaled in a while, I recommend using these 3 prompts to guide your journaling experience- think 3 x 3 x 3. Spend three minutes answering three questions, three times a week. The three prompts that I recommend as a useful starting point are:

  1. What’s going well for me right now?
  2. What needs my attention?
  3. What am I grateful for?

If you would like to develop your journaling. Try the following prompts:

  1. Reflect on the last 12 months, what went well?
  2. What are the next 6 months asking of you?
  3. How do you want to show up?

Journaling once is helpful but the true magic will come as you make this practise part of your wellbeing toolkit! I would love to hear how this works for you.

Enjoy it!

Gillian McGrath is a Cork based Life coach and Facilitator. For more information, go to

International Womens’ Day 2022 #BreakTheBias

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I was delighted to share my thoughts in the Evening Echo recently on the #IWD theme for this year #BreakTheBias alongside some fantastic women. Here’s the article I wrote:

As a woman and mother to a daughter (and two sons), I‘m passionate about achieving gender equality in the workplace. As a life coach and workshop facilitator, I have focused considerable energy in the last decade on empowering women through my bespoke training programmes and coaching sessions and I have heard firsthand, the challenges that women face relative to bias across many organisations. I see the opportunity and the responsibility to use my role to increase awareness on these challenges and offer tools to break down the barriers and biases that hinder their success.

The theme for this years’ International Women’s Day (IWD) is #BreakTheBias. 73% of women experience bias at work[1]—yet less than a third of employees are able to recognize bias when they see it. Whether deliberate or unconscious, bias makes it harder for women to get hired and promoted and negatively impacts their day-to-day work experiences. To compound this, in the last 12 months, I am hearing an overwhelming number of stories from women about how the pandemic has intensified challenges that they face with some opting to step back from roles due to increasing challenges at home or not go for a promotion as they are already overwhelmed. In 2021, McKinsey and company produced their annual survey sharing a worrying set of statistics concerning women in the workplace; nearly 82% of women surveyed said that their lives have been negatively disrupted by the pandemic and nearly 70% of women who have experienced these disruptions are concerned that their career growth may be limited as a result[2]. This makes it difficult for companies to level the playing field.

So, let’s talk about bias – what is it and how does it impact in the workplace? Biases are mental shortcuts that our brains’ use to make sense of the world around us. (Just think about your own upbringing and life experiences, and how they have influenced your view of the world.) We all have biases. In fact, we can have biases that are either conscious, meaning that we are aware of our own prejudices, or unconscious, meaning that we are not aware of them.  While conscious bias or discrimination is generally regarded as a negative, it can often be easy to recognize and to address. Unconscious bias, on the other hand, can have a more adverse impact, primarily as we are unaware.

I will be giving several talks across March to celebrate IWD this year. The aim of my workshops are to educate and empower individuals and organisations on bias – we will look at the 6 types of bias that women face in the workplace, as well as how to how to identify and challenge bias. We will also review the impact of bias on decision – making at work using specific examples. Finally, we will explore the route to ‘de-biasing our organisations by focusing on our own individual responsibility, because as long as we make bias about other people or organisational culture, we are minimising our role to take ownership and make a real difference.

Of course, lots of significant progress has already been made in the field of gender equality globally. But looking at the broader data trends, it is shameful that less than 5 percent of CEOs in the US and Europe are women[3] and that women continue to be paid less than men for doing the same work.  For me, it’s unthinkable to imagine my daughter, Katie, entering the workforce in the next decade to face some of the same barriers our mothers’ did 50 years ago. So, we still have some real work to do.

We’ve been trying to tackle the world’s hardest problems with only 50 percent of our collective brainpower. It’s time for that to change. By bringing more women into positions of power and influence, we can finally use the full measure of humanity’s talents and ambitions. Gender equality is a moral and a business imperative but unconscious bias holds us back. We need all the best ideas, and the most courageous and authentic leaders, to tackle the challenges ahead.

Gillian McGrath is a Cork based Life and Business Coach and experienced facilitator. For more information, you can contact her directly on



[3] Heidrick & Struggles, 

Re- energise your Route to Resilience in 2022!

As I emerge from my ‘Covid Cocoon’ (like so many others) this January, I’m choosing to embrace ‘NEW YEAR, no new you necessary’. While January is traditionally a time for New Years Resolutions, a time to pressurise ourselves into thinking about how we can improve our lives and take action, lets not forget that Winter is also associated with rest and recovery (let’s take guidance from mother nature on this!)

This January, I’m reminded of the power of pace and the importance of building resilience rather than setting unrealistic resolutions.

In his fantastic book “Atomic Habits”, James Clear says that we “do not rise to the level of our goals, we fall to the level of our systems”. In this case ‘systems’ represent our habits and actions. So, in the spirit of the new year and positive change, I’m sharing ways that you can invite a meaningful route to resilience into your life by regularly adopting the following granular habits and activities (it’s also a reminder to myself!):

  • Presence – pay attention to what you’re paying attention to! What are you allowing ‘in’? It’s great to be informed but do you need to know every twist and turn of the pandemic? Social Media can be great fun, but studies also link it with low self- esteem. How do you speak to yourself? Numb the negative narrative and speak to yourself as you would a good friend.
  • Get active – we often note folks ‘pounding the roads’ in January and how it drops off mid- February. James Clear (aforementioned) advocates consistency over intensity when creating meaningful habits. Start small. Introduce 20 mins of activity into your daily practise and go from there!
  • Journal – there are many advantages to journaling. As a process, it enables you to gain clarity and understanding over your thoughts and feelings by writing them down. If, like many others at this time, you are struggling with stress or a loss of focus, journaling can help you to regain control which can only improve your outlook and mental health.
  • Plan something to look forward to – I’m great believer in seizing small moments of joy. If we have learned anything from the last 2 years it’s that life is fragile and so, it’s important to take the joy when we can! A walk or coffee with a friend, or go mad and book a holiday!
  • Bring people in – Tell some close friends or colleagues about the new habits you are trying to institute. I see first hand the value of support and accountability through my coaching practise. Don’t do it alone. This will transform your motivation and your tribe will be there for you for accountability and support.
  • Pay attention to your immune system – I am not qualified in this area, but again, on a granular level, how much sleep are you getting? Are you introducing movement into your day? Do a diet check (are you getting sufficient protein and fibre?) What’s your water intake like? Also don’t underestimate the impact of stress (especially the low- level kind) These all impact our immune system so take small steps to address these!
  • False starts and slip- ups are normal when you’re creating new habits. One or two won’t undo your hard work. Back yourself and Be kind to yourself and you will get back on track.
  • And finally, choose acceptance. Acceptance does not mean resignation. Rather, it’s about approaching life from a place of peace and not pain.

My clients know that I’m a big fan of ‘tea- spoon size’ changes and whatever these are for you, seek to bring these intentionally and regularly into your day to day. Worry less about shifting gears and instead favour a more empowering set of habits that will support you as you navigate the weeks and months ahead. Don’t leave it to chance, make it a choice, and curate your route to resilience seizing each day in 2022!

Gillian McGrath is a Cork based life and business Coach and experienced facilitator and public speaker. For more information, go to

Returning to work after a career break

“I’m 40, my kids are 12, 10 and 9. I have 20 years to make a discernible impact. How do I go about getting back into the workplace? Where do I even start?”

Is this you? Whether you’re looking to return to work after a break, change direction completely or step up after stepping back it can seem like a momentous task. Having supported countless women (and many men!) in their return to the workplace over two decades, I have identified patterns of challenges as well as tips and behaviours that empower people in returning to the workplace and these are outlined in this article.

Careers are not linear. It’s unlikely that the career you embark on at 21 will go in a straight line until you retire. In fact, it’s highly likely that there will be many bumps along the way such as you end up hating your chosen career, you burn out, you find a new passion or perhaps you take time out to rare your children or care for elderly relatives. Careers ebb and flow.

More women than men still see their career as a series of reactive moves, responding to circumstances as best as they can but if you think like a chess master and play the long game – this begins to change. There is a bigger game at stake other than work- life balance. It’s called the game of ‘creating your life’ and it’s played one move a time. It’s important to invest the time and energy in engaging with this to set yourself up for success.

At Change Grow Succeed, we have identified 8 critical tasks and behaviours that will support you in achieving results – these are:

  • Your mindset is key.

Watch out for self-limiting beliefs or expired stories such as “I feel irrelevant” or “I’m too old to start again”. Roosevelt says “Believe you can and you’re half – way there”. Be intentional about fostering a mindset of possibility (over judgement) and begin by getting curious about yourself, your interests and your priorities. Curiosity keeps judgement at bay and will enable a positive mindset.

  • Consider your career and wider interests, now.

Remember, we are products of a dynamic environment and what interested you in a job 5 or 10 years ago is likely to be different to now. Life happens and this alters our outlook and priorities. I often ask clients to consider and make a note of what they love learning about or what experiences leave them feeling energised. This provides important insight into the ‘here and now’.

  • Complete and audit of your skills, strengths and talents

It’s important to explore what puts ‘fire in your belly’ and gain clarity on what energises you. There are some great online resources available to support you in this regard. I often refer clients to the self- assessment section of  to make progress with capturing transferrable skills and completing interest inventories. Licensed psychometric test can also be invaluable. Seek out more information (a coach will be a good resource for you here).

  • List your professional skills and background

It doesn’t matter how long your career break was. The likelihood is that before, you were a successful professional. Capture your professional skills and work history – it’s your story to tell.

  • Your Network is your net worth!

Networking can appear to be a daunting task if you feel that you’re ‘out of the game’. However, if you think about it, your network is your community of people who empathize with you and want you to succeed. This tribe can be an emotional lifeline in your job search as well as offering support and guidance. Get curious about the people in your network (you might find them pitch – side or at the school gate also!). Focus on being interested (not necessarily interesting) and be the first to give. Seek to build relationships and doors of opportunity will open. Did you know that you are 4 times more likely to find a job through your network than a recruitment agency?

  • Generate/ Update your LinkedIn Profile and accompanying CV

Over 500 million people use LinkedIn and it’s worth mentioning that it’s the only social platform where employers and potential employees can connect. Unlike your CV, uploading a photograph is paramount as current data tells us that your LinkedIn profile is more likely to be viewed with a photo. Once your profile is created, connect with people and groups and follow those companies whom you are interested in.

The best CV will always be written with a particular job spec in mind. If I could offer any guidelines, it would be to try and keep your CV to no more than 2 pages, write in the third person and include a ‘Personal Profile’ at the top – usually 3-4 sentences outlining your relevant skills and experience for the role at hand. Don’t hesitate to label your ‘planned career break’.

  • Own your career break

Seek to reframe any ‘gap’ in your C.V. as an opportunity. Perhaps it was an opportunity to rare a young family or to care for an elderly relative. Perhaps it was due to illness or injury and you used the time to heal and re-focus. Maybe you have broadened your skills during this time or deepened your network. Whatever your reason, your ability to reframe and own it will set you apart from the crowd.

  • Engage a life or career coach

A good coach can be an invaluable asset in this process. Seek out someone who is accredited and with experience and who is a licensed practitioner in psychometric assessment. My qualifications in psychology, life and business coaching as well as psychometric assessment as well as my experience in industry and multinationals all compliment my ability to empower clients at Change Grow Succeed, enabling them to make progress and achieve positive change in their lives.

So, there you have it – 8 tips to set you up for success when returning to work after a career break! Most of all, believe in yourself. You were successful in the workplace before and will be again. Stay curious, keep learning and get comfortable reaching out to your network. Back yourself – you’ve got this!

Gillian McGrath is a Cork based Leadership Coach & experienced facilitator and public speaker. For more information, go to

7 Habits to cultivate confidence in 2021

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Confidence is often viewed as the holy grail of success and happiness but what if we feel we don’t have enough of it? Moreover, to what degree must we ‘fake it to make it’ or is confidence a skill we can learn and if so, how?

Our belief in our own capacity to ‘push through’ has never been as important; perhaps you

  • have been furloughed due to the pandemic and are feeling shaky and uncertain or
  • yearn for a change of direction but don’t know where to start or
  • are returning to work after extended leave and find yourself in a role that appears barely recognisable

It is your belief and confidence in yourself that will be the key catalyst in instigating and accomplishing positive changes.

As a psychology student 15 years ago, I first came across the term ‘Self- efficacy’ coined by Canadian Albert Bandura. Fundamental to this concept is the notion of ‘trial’, of giving something a go – to try something even if you don’t know what you are doing. It is from this point that confidence can be cultivated. Confidence is a skill that can be learned, as long as you are willing to give it a go.

At Change Grow Succeed, we believe that learning and doing are key cornerstones in building confidence and we advocate the following 7 Habits to cultivate or strengthen yours:

  1. Numb the Negative Narrative – Do you tell yourself that you need more confidence? Maybe you spend more time talking about the negative aspects of yourself? Pay attention to the impact of your personal narrative. Some beliefs can be expired or self- sabotaging and certainly keep you stuck. Try telling yourself a different story. Become intentional about sharing what went well or progress that you made.
  2. LifeLong Learning – Regardless of what you want to become more confident at, any learning has a spin – off effect. Instead of dwelling on a lack of confidence, take a course on something that interests you. The combination of pursing a passion and engaging your brain will shift your energy and your confidence will spill over and be noticed by you and those around you!
  3. What’s your why? If you are not connecting with what is important to you and why – how will you know if you’re on the right track? Our ability to pause and evaluate is an essential activity to engage with, particularly, if you need to rebuild yourself after a knock- back. Your ability to focus on your ‘why’ is your motivation for accomplishing whatever it is that you yearn for, as well as ensuring focus and discipline and pursuing what you believe in will give you confidence. If you’re at a loss as to where or how to start this process, reach out to a coach for industry – led tools and tips to support you.
  4. Pause perfectionism – do you find yourself thinking about ‘worse case scenarios’? To what degree does this habit foster self- doubt or caution and reduces your capacity for self- belief? Often, the focus of perfectionists is ‘what could go wrong’ which fosters a negative mindset . When actively seeking to improve your confidence, seek to reframe risk with opportunity and pursue the bigger picture!
  5. Tribe therapy – In the last year, my observation through my work is that some individuals have lost confidence as they have lost connection with themselves and with each other.Our relationships have the ability to lift us up, they can also tear us apart. Evaluate who is in your network. Cherish those connections who support and empower you and consider disengaging from those who bring you down. Seek out those role- models who embody the confidence that you respect and identify what is it about them that resonates with you. Get comfortable with being uncomfortable!
  6. Ditch thinking for Doing Our brain is hard wired to protect us. It responds well to comfort zones. Research shows that people who perceive their confidence as ‘low’ are plagued by rumination or ‘analysis -paralysis’. Getting out of our own head is a must here. Stop thinking and start doing. Remember, confidence is an active process. Small acts of bravery can shift your energy. Trial something new today!
  7. Power Pose – In her excellent TedTalk,Amy Cuddy shares that power posing (embracing more expansive body language) ignites physiological changes in our bodies. She tells us that two minutes of opening up and stretching our arms out fires us up with testosterone, boosting our confidence. If you think about it, most of us spend our days hunched over a laptop or phone (making ourselves small) so if you were to be intentional about opening up your posture on a daily basis -to what degree would this shift you into a more positive mindset? Try it and see!

Which new habit would make the most difference to your confidence? Trial something new today – get comfortable being uncomfortable and note the shift in your own energy and confidence!

Gillian McGrath is a Cork based life coach and experienced speaker and facilitator. For more information, go to